ZOU Zhi, ZHAO Yong-guo, ZHANG Li, KONG Hua, GUO Yun-ling, GUO An-ping
As a novel type of oil crop in China, tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) is planted for its wide adapta⁃
tion, high yield and high oil content in tuber. To investigate genetic basis and to facilitate breeding and molecular bi⁃
ology research, a high quality full-length transcriptome was constructed based on single-molecule real-time
(SMRT) sequencing. The library was derived from mixed sample of tuber, stolon, root, shoot apex, blade, sheath,
flower, and floral axis. After filtering, a total of 23.20 Gb high quality data was obtained, and 319 568 circular con⁃
sensus sequences with an average of 2101 bp and full passes of 43 were extracted. Finally, 57 849 high quality tran⁃
scripts, composing 121.79 Mb, were obtained after clustering, polishing and redundancy removing. The complete⁃
ness of this transcriptome library was established to be 79.58%. And approximately 76.20% of the total transcripts
are full-length. The BLAST search against 7 main databases including NR, Swissprot, GO, KOG, eggNOG, Pfam,
and KEGG resulted in annotation of 52 424 transcripts, amounting for about 90.62% of the total transcripts. Addi⁃
tionally, the analyses also resulted in annotation of 3759 lncRNA, 43 060 SSR, and 2300 transcription factor-encod⁃
ing sequences. These results improved knowledges on genetic information of tigernut, and provided valuable re⁃
source for futher expression profiling and utilization of functional genes.